
GDPR Compliance

Just one of a range of consultancy services to enhance GDPR compliance

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Parliament, Council of the European Union and European Commission regulation. It is used to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).

Any company, wherever they are in the world, working with information relating to EU citizens has to comply with the requirements of the standard, making it the first global data protection law.

The main goal of the regulation is to give individuals more control over their personal data.  At the same time, applying stricter rules on companies handling it and make sure companies embrace new technology to process the influx of data produced.

What is personal Data

The regulation considers any data that can be used to identify an individual as personal data.  It includes, for the first time, things such as genetic, mental, cultural, economic or social information.

From now, almost all personal data will fall under the regulation, therefore, making it difficult for organisations to avoid having to comply with its requirements.

Even post Brexit, it is highly likely that the entire regulation will be adopted; the alternative would be to try to draft a completely new one after it has already been enforced, leading to struggles with compatibility.

“Last year’s ICO fines would be 79 times higher under GDPR, TalkTalk’s £400,000 penalty was big – how about £59 MILLION?” – The Register

GDPR Requirements

How we can help?

We can help you understand this complex regulation and assist you to approach compliance in the most efficient manner to suit your company.

Having the correct policies and associated documents in place is key for compliance.  However, one requirement often overlooked is having robust security measures in place.  These need to meet Cyber Essentials or IASME Assurance standards in order to adequately protect data.

The more security measures you implement and adhere to, the better you and your customers’ data will be protected.  This means that the ICO could look upon you favourably in the event of a breach.

We can assist you not only on the policy guidance side but on the technical side as well, making us the ideal partner to help you to build a coherent information security policy.


What you need to know about GDPR

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